Brothers and sisters-in-arms and fellow Americans, this is a dark era where 20+ years of our sacrifices, our friendships, our word and commitment, have been abandoned by our American politicians.
We CANNOT let this be the legacy of our warriors or the true American spirit.
We must show the people of Afghanistan that we will NOT abandon them. We will not forget their sacrifices or their service. We must show our Afghan friends, the world, and our elected officials that the American warrior truly LEAVES NO ONE BEHIND.
Call / Email Your Congressional Representative
We can all help. Your voice and your vote is power. We need EVERYONE to help by demanding accountability AND action from your Congressional representatives (ALL of them – your congressional district representative in the House AND both Senators).
If you are American and want to help, call or email (or both) your Congressional representatives. If you need a template to help you, we’ve provided one below to get you started:
“Hello, my name is _________ and I’m one of your constituents. I live in _________. I’m a veteran / ally / concerned citizen and the issue of saving our Afghan allies is important to me because _________. Please help our country do the right thing and evacuate all of the heroes who worked alongside and for our troops.
Specifically, I ask you and Congress to do 3 things:
1) Waive passport and Visa requirements for Afghans that can prove employment with the US Government
2) Immediately approve chartered flights with our Afghan friends and family to arrive in the United States. There is a large, well-resourced movement of chartered pilots and aircraft that have full sorties of our Afghan friends and family in transit to the United States but are not being permitted to land at our designated airports by US Border Patrol and Customs. This is causing a backlog of flights out of Kabul and is resulting in the brutal deaths of countless Afghans who have been faithful and loyal to the United States at our request.
3) Continue Government airlift operations until all SIVs – both pending and approved – are safe and secure, even if that means going past the 31 August Deadline
You can reach me at __________.”
Put the pressure on your Congressional representatives. Please share this with your networks as widely as you can. Every voice and action matters.
Thank you.
– Gonz

Evacuation Assistance
If you are in need of evacuation assistance from Afghanistan or want to provide assistance towards these efforts, we are working with various vetted organizations, agencies, military units and individuals on the ground in Afghanistan to assist in this critical mission.
Many of us are on the ground, sacrificing our own lives and resources to secure and transport people out of Afghanistan. There is no government funding for this mission and are tackling this monumental task through volunteers and privately donated funds. Some of us are donating critical assets such as aircraft while there are still limited flights allowed in and out of HKIA. Others are making donations to cover fuel and logistics costs associated with these evacuations.
If you need evacuation assistance and don’t know where to start, first start with Allied Airlift ( Register with every agency (US Department of State, No One Left Behind, US Humanitarian Parole) provided on their page to get on a flight manifest. Read the guidance that they provide before you try to make your way to HKIA. While the security situation changes by the minute, the general guidance Allied Airlift is providing is good.
Our team is also working around the clock to to assist as many people as possible with evacuating and if you need additional help or would like to volunteer to provide assistance, please let us know by using the form in the link below.
NOTICE: If you are unable to assist, that is fine – not everyone is in a position to help. If you are looking to get compensation to assist with these evacuations, DO NOT write to us or you will simply be banned from our site with no notice. ALL of us who are helping to save lives are doing this at our own expense, risk, and time.
If you want to make a donation to support these efforts but don’t know what organizations are trustworthy, here are some of the most worthy organizations at the moment where you can make a donation that will address immediately urgent needs. Please note that the below organizations are not affiliated with Silent Professionals, but we have vetted them and endorse them as we work together in this monumental effort to save lives.
[DISCLAIMER: Be advised that Silent Professionals is NOT collecting any monetary donations; therefore, if you receive any requests for donations from someone who claims to represent Silent Professionals, it is a fraudulent request by a giant piece of shit seeking to profit from this situation and their request should be ignored.]
- No One Left Behind – Go to the site, click on the petition and add your name to get Congress to act. If you are able, donate what you can. No One Left Behind is collecting and utilizing private funds to get chartered aircraft in and out of HKIA to evacuate people out of Afghanistan and to the UAE. They have already successfully run multiple sorties and will continue to do so as long as HKIA is open and they have funds to pay for fuel. If you cannot donate money, that’s ok. Just sign the petition.
- GoFundMe (Afghan Refugee Support) – A GoFundMe page to support Maryanna Diaz (USMA ’02), a DoD contractor in Qatar (and a friend of the team at Silent Professionals) who has been spending her own personal money and time to help the Afghan refugees who arrive in Doha from HKIA and are in transit to other 3rd countries. The conditions, especially for the many children and infants, have been extremely poor while in transit and Maryanna has been personally purchasing formula, baby bottles, and baby Tylenol while providing basic care to children in need. This is a relatively small GoFundMe effort in terms of funds being raised, but is extremely large and tangible in its impact.
- Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area – The first waves of Afghan SIVs are coming to Fort Lee, Virginia. This non-profit organization is providing essential housing and care to those Afghan families coming into the US via Northern Virginia.