Gonz here, founder of Silent Professionals. You know our mission—to support you, our military brothers and sisters, in providing vetted resources that are helpful to you and are free to access. Today, I’m sharing critical information and resources about something that might already be affecting you or someone you care…...

Why Companies Must Thoroughly Vet Their Executive Protection Teams
In an increasingly interconnected and unpredictable world, ensuring the safety of corporate leaders is no longer optional. Executive protection (EP) is critical for safeguarding CEOs, board members, and key executives. However, not all executive protection teams are created equal. Poorly vetted EP teams can expose companies to security risks, legal…...
CALL TO ACTION – Evacuation Assistance in Afghanistan
Brothers and sisters-in-arms and fellow Americans, this is a dark era where 20+ years of our sacrifices, our friendships, our word and commitment, have been abandoned by our American politicians. We CANNOT let this be the legacy of our warriors or the true American spirit. We must show the people…...

CIA Jobs – Getting Hired Outside of the Official Pipeline
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an independent agency of the US Federal Government, tasked with gathering, processing, and analyzing national security information from around the world, primarily through the use of human intelligence (HUMINT). The CIA is the only US agency authorized by law to carry out and oversee covert action at the behest of the President…...

Private Military Companies: Blackwater
Blackwater’s legal and ethical issues are widely known, but how did they get to where they were in the first place? And how did they fare in the aftermath? The Beginning Blackwater USA began in 1997 by Al Clark and Erik Prince. They started out as a private security firm…...

Will PTSD Disqualify Me From Employment?
If you’re reading this article, you may be working through some degree of PTSD after combat and wondering how to transition back to your civilian life, both personally and professionally. Some of you may have even abused alcohol and landed yourself in jail for a DUI/DWI while attempting to deal…...

Raytheon Jobs
If you've ever wanted to learn more about, or perhaps even pursue, a career as a defense contractor after being at the career fair, then this article is definitely something you should read. This field of work is certainly not for the lighthearted, with companies such as Raytheon, manufacturing and…...

Lockheed Martin Jobs – Veterans Needed
While the majority of our focus for job opportunities on silentprofessionals.org are geared towards combat arms combat veterans, we get a wide swath of Employer requests for our vetting and selection services from companies seeking other veterans with unique skills and experiences. For veteran job seekers looking for career opportunities…...