No one. That is, unless you are from an affluent family who has the means to pay for these types of services or have the proper insurance capable of handling this situation. Why the high cost? It simply has to do with the fact that hostage rescue operations are extremely…...
CALL TO ACTION – Evacuation Assistance in Afghanistan
Brothers and sisters-in-arms and fellow Americans, this is a dark era where 20+ years of our sacrifices, our friendships, our word and commitment, have been abandoned by our American politicians. We CANNOT let this be the legacy of our warriors or the true American spirit. We must show the people…...

Will PTSD Disqualify Me From Employment?
If you’re reading this article, you may be working through some degree of PTSD after combat and wondering how to transition back to your civilian life, both personally and professionally. Some of you may have even abused alcohol and landed yourself in jail for a DUI/DWI while attempting to deal…...
Private Security Jobs: Who’s Getting Hired
Private security jobs fall within an extremely competitive and highly-skilled job sector. Within this sector, there are many categories of jobs that require very specific attributes, skills, and experiences. Navigating this can be confusing for job seekers. In the infographic below, we examined the profiles of over 1,300 Candidates that were selected…...

How to Get a Private Security Job: A Primer
If you’re reading this article, chances are that you are looking for advice or answers on how to successfully secure a job in the Private Security sector. Even though this seems like a very niche and narrow subset within the broader spectrum of jobs, there are many disciplines and subsets…...
Why the Ultra-Wealthy are Employing Combat Veterans More than Ever Before
When I first left the private military contracting world back in 2012, I knew that I gained a wealth of unique experiences, knowledge and wisdom that were invaluable – but I had no idea who would employ me back home in the United States. After more than a decade of…...
Finding Employees with the Right Stuff
I hear HR Professionals say it all the time: “Good people are hard to find.” But when it comes down to selecting candidates for a job, how are hiring professionals defining “good people”? In most American families, we send the message early on that college is the best path for…...
Continue Mission: Transitioning from the Battlefield
At some point, if we're still alive, it happens to us all: it's time to come home. For most people, this is a joyful event. For most veterans - especially those who have been in hard combat - this is an event filled with wildly conflicting emotions. While war can…...