JAN 23, 2018 - The Pentagon is looking to boost counterterrorism cooperation with an elite Indonesian special forces group, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Tuesday during a visit to Jakarta and meeting with Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu. The special forces unit, known as Kopassus, has been accused…...

SITREP: Syria Air Strike Updates
JAN 23, 2018 [UK Ministry of Defence Report] - Royal Air Force aircraft have continued to support operations by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to liberate the Euphrates valley in eastern Syria from the brutality of Daesh. A Reaper remotely piloted aircraft patrolled north of Abu Kamal on Monday 15…...

Kabul Attack Kills and Injures Multiple Americans
JAN 23, 2018 - Americans were among the dead and injured in the weekend attack by Taliban militants on a luxury hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan. A total of 22 people, at least 14 foreigners, were killed in the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul over the weekend after Taliban militants attacked it. The exact number of American citizens killed and injured were…...

Venezuela Lootings Flare After Rebel Oscar Perez Massacre
Jan 17, 2018 - A wave of looting by hungry mobs across Venezuela has left streets of shuttered shops in provincial towns and pushed some store owners to arm themselves with guns and machetes. Lootings in Caracas and other parts of Venezuela flared up on Tuesday after police slaughtered an…...

American Abducted in Nigeria; Two Police Killed
Jan 17, 2018 - Kidnappers abducted an Americans and a Canadian in the northern Nigerian state of Kaduna, killing two police officers, a police spokesman said on Wednesday. Kidnappings are rife in Nigeria, where domestic security is weak, though they overwhelmingly target other Nigerians. However, abductions of foreigners are not…...

Moderate Kosovo Serb Leader, Oliver Ivanovic, Killed
Jan 16, 2018 - Oliver Ivanovic, 64, the leader of the Citizens’ Initiative Party of Kosovo, was shot outside the party’s offices in Mitrovica. Though seen as a moderate in Serb politics in Kosovo, Mr. Ivanovic, whose party was not backed by the government in Belgrade, also faced war crimes charges,…...

Bomb Attack on Colombia’s Transandino Pipeline
Jan 14, 2018 - National Liberation Army (ELN) rebels executed a bombing attack on Colombia’s southern Transandino pipeline, halting production as crude spilled into a river. The ELN is in the midst of a renewed offensive against the military and oil infrastructure, after the end of a months-long ceasefire amid…...
Finding Employees with the Right Stuff
I hear HR Professionals say it all the time: “Good people are hard to find.” But when it comes down to selecting candidates for a job, how are hiring professionals defining “good people”? In most American families, we send the message early on that college is the best path for…...
Continue Mission: Transitioning from the Battlefield
At some point, if we're still alive, it happens to us all: it's time to come home. For most people, this is a joyful event. For most veterans - especially those who have been in hard combat - this is an event filled with wildly conflicting emotions. While war can…...